The Amazing Clarks

Boring Marriages

Episode Summary

No one gets into marriage expecting to be bored. When you decide to get married, you have this fairytale made up in your head. Marriage can be a fairytale but you also have to be realistic about your marriage. Sometimes, being married is boring but you have to realize that if your marriage is a snooze-fest, it just might be you who is making your marriage boring. This week, The Amazing Clarks get into why your marriage is boring and, newsflash, it might not be your partners fault. Buckle up people this is gonna be a good one!

Episode Notes

No one gets into marriage expecting to be bored. When you decide to get married, you have this fairytale made up in your head. Marriage can be a fairytale but you also have to be realistic about your marriage.  Sometimes, being married is boring but you have to realize that if your marriage is a snooze-fest, it just might be you who is making your marriage boring. This week, The Amazing Clarks get into why your marriage is boring and, newsflash, it might not be your partners fault. Buckle up people this is gonna be a good one! 


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Hosts: Anthony Clark & Melanie Clark

Senior Producer: Krystal Hill

Associate Producer: Mike Bryant

Editor: Mike Bryant

Executive Producers: Codie Elaine Oliver & Tommy Oliver